Better Planning Isn’t Always the Answer

I had a call with my coach a while ago and have been thinking about it ever since then. YES, coaches have coaches, or at least they should. I came to the call prepared with an agenda to discuss planning. I’d recently stepped away from a business that had kept me busy going full speed for more than 15 years and after taking a little time off (sort of), I thought I was ready to do some planning and conquer the world with something new, yet was struggling with motivation and inspiration.
After hearing my challenges she asked me a few brilliant questions, you know the kind of questions that help you see things deeper for yourself. After about the second or third question I began to feel a shift and knew where this was going – instead of helping me find motivation to get more done in my day, she reminded me that the space I craved for a very long while now had been delivered to me. Her questions, and my reflection, helped me to see that pushing isn’t the answer when I’m feeling uninspired, instead it is to take a look at why this is making me feel uncomfortable, and working on that.
I equally love and hate when she does this ninja magic coaching with me. When she helps me find within myself the answers under the surface. She didn’t share with me any newfangled way to work, her trademarked 5 easy steps or fancy gadget (she doesn’t actually have easy steps, but some “coaches” do and it’s bleh). She encouraged me to deeply listen to my inner wisdom and receive what I’d worked hard to create. To enjoy it and savor the time – rather than rushing to fill it with something new.
Shortly after our call, I spent some time with the Grand Ginger Princess outside under the pecan trees. We played with the Halloween decorations, made art on the sidewalk, petted a neighbor’s dog, and fed the squirrels. We even had the most amazing HEB peanut butter cup ice cream for lunch, a mutual favorite. It felt great not to worry about my to-do list or taking action to create something new, just for the sake of continuing to put things out.
It’s been over a year since that call, and since then that transformational call and the message that I got from it is still with me. It’s funny how often I catch myself wanting something, like space, a vacation, or even a few hours to myself, and how I resist receiving that. Often feeling a pressure to be doing rather than being sometimes – not only self imposed pressure, but one that comes from a society filled with praise for the person who works non-stop.
I’m an ambitious person, with big dreams that I’m still working toward accomplishing – and I’ve also gotten a little wiser with age and know that taking time off is essential to me being able to do my best work. I used to believe that every free moment should be filled with something, I now love how it feels to have no agenda some days – like a blank canvas, something beautiful always comes of it.
Empowering women to create a business that serves them in living the life they want is what I do, and even I need the reminder myself at times to slow down and enjoy the harvest.
I share this to remind you that the next time you too are feeling uninspired or unmotivated, maybe, like me, it’s a sign to slow down and enjoy the life you’ve created.
If you need some help with this, please feel free to reach out.